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API: Authenticate with OAuth2

This article is about OAuth2 authentication, if you want to use the simple authentication method, you can read about it in the intro article

1. Create an Oauth2 Application

To begin you will need to register an OAuth2 application. Go to “Settings->Advanced” and click “New API application”

Then select a name for your application. This name will be used when we ask the user if he wants to give your application permission, we suggest that you use your application or company name.

You will then be given a client id and secret. Make sure you write the secret down, it will only be shown once.

2. Authenticate the user

We use Authorization Code flow for server-side authorization. To start the authorization flow, you need to redirect the user to the following URL:


The user will then

  • Have to log in if not already logged in
  • Be asked if he wants to give access to your application. If the user has access to multiple companies he will be asked which company he wants to give access to.

The endpoint accepts the following parameters:

  • client_id – (required)
  • redirect_uri – (required) The URL the user will be redirected to after finishing the authorization flow
  • response_type - (required) should always have value code.
  • scope- (required) currently we support only one scope which is accounting
  • organisation_number - (optional) if this parameter is set we will force the user to authorize for this company only, even if he has access to multiple companies.
  • locale - (optional) Set the language used during the authorization, if the parameter is absent then language from the user’s settings will be used. Supported values: nb or en

After a successful authorization, the user will be redirected back to the redirect_uri you provided in parameters. We will send back the following parameters:

  • code An authorization code that you will have to exchange for a set of Refresh and Access Tokens. This code is valid for 10 minutes.
  • scope Contains a scope that you have granted access to.

3. Fetch the access and refresh tokens

Once you have the Authorization Code, you can exchange it for a set of access and refresh tokens:

curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
-d "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
-d "grant_type=authorization_code" \


"access_token":  "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"refresh_token": "{REFRESH_TOKEN}",
"token_type":    "bearer",
"expires_in":    3600

4. Use the access token

Once you have an access token you can use it to access the API. Set the header Authorization to be Bearer ACCESS_KEY and use the API as usual by calling POST to /api/v1/graphql

Here is an example fetching the sales invoices

{ saleInvoices { nodes { id } } }

You can find more information about GraphQL in our Get started guide

5. Refresh your access token

When your Access Token is about to expire, you can use the Refresh Token to get a new Access Token:

curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN" \
-d "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
-d "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
-d "grant_type=refresh_token" \


"access_token": "{NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"refresh_token": "{REFRESH_TOKEN}",
"token_type":    "bearer",
"expires_in":    3600

By default the refresh token does not expire, and the access token has a 1-hour expiration date.

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